Christmas in July

Christmas in July

Description:Christmas Treasurers old and new and many things you never new! Lots of Vendors and all the Stores will be open with new wares! Come down and get your new holiday wreaths and crafts. I hear Santa will be visiting from the North Pole! Kat Vet will have a pet adoption! Jim Perrin will be doing a walking tour. Collinswood Museum will be open for business. Bring Gramma and the kids! “Please join us” in our back to business bash called Christmas in July! Ponchatoula is the hidden treasure of the South!

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Hi, I'm Katy. Mom to four sweet boys ages 10, 6, 6, and 5. It's a loud, messy, chaotic life. I love connecting with other parents and am so glad you stopped by today!

About the Author

Hi, I'm Katy. Mom to four sweet boys ages 10, 6, 6, and 5. It's a loud, messy, chaotic life. I love connecting with other parents and am so glad you stopped by today!

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