Resolution Time

At this time of year, people start to reflect and some pick New Year’s resolutions.  I hope that if you are struggling with weight or something else, my story will give you a little inspiration to go big. If I can do it, I know that you can too.

My Story

A little over a year ago, I started to try to lose weight yet again. My weight has been a struggle for me since about the age of nine. I have tried countless things and have lost and put back on more pounds than I can count. 

This time was different. I really can’t tell you how, but usually I give up.  This time, I stuck to it. I started just watching what I ate. I lost 20 pounds on my own. Then, I wanted some structure, so, I added the Weight Watchers program to my plan. I lost another 40 pounds. At that point, it came to a halt. 

I reluctantly started working out. A friend had told me about a place that she was going, and I tried it out. The ladies there were so nice, and I started losing weight again. I was really upset to find out that the gym was closing down. One of the fitness instructors found us all a place to try out–a boxing gym. I had never boxed before. I tried it, and I really to my surprise love hitting the bag. Innovative Boxing and Fitness Academy has been my jam for eight months now. I lost another 58 pounds since adding exercise. At this gym, in eight months, I have lost over 10 inches around my waist. 

I’m now down ninety-eight pounds overall. I never would have imagined that I could lose this much weight when I started. The new me has a lot more energy and confidence.  I keep surprising myself in what I can accomplish. I’m up to jogging three miles a few times a week. I would have laughed at you a year ago if you had told me to jog a minute.

For all of this to happen took not only me, it took my family, my friends, and my fitness family. I am no different than you. Here are some tips from my journey that I hope will help you in yours.

It Takes a Village; Find Your Tribe

You need to get yourself a support network. Someone that is crazy enough to get up with you at 5:30 a.m. and workout. You need someone that will call you and give you a hard time when you don’t show up or encourage you when you need encouragement.  I started out with a couple of people, but it could be just one. You can build it up. My husband is a huge part of my tribe. In fact, he is the chief. He is on board with healthier eating and the time that I am away working out. My fitness family is huge in this plan.  They inspire me to keep going.

Find What You Like to Do–Especially if You’re Just Starting Out

The boxing works for me. Most of the time, I look forward to going.  If you have a workout regimen that you hate, you won’t stick to it. Keep trying things until you find something you enjoy. All that looking helps burn calories too!

Tory Williams and I-Tory is the owner of Innovative Boxing and Fitness Academy

Find an Eating Plan That Works for You

Weight Watchers works for me. It holds me accountable but still lets me eat Popeyes or cookie cake every now and then.  I don’t feel like I am deprived of what I enjoy.  Some people prefer a particular like keto or Atkins. There are many online support groups if you decide to try one of these–do a search on Facebook to find one. And be sure to talk to your doctor before making any big changes to your diet.

Ask Yourself if This Is Sustainable

I feel like there are so many diets out there that have no true path to maintenance. If you are doing something that you know once you stop the weight will start coming back on, you need a different plan. A life without ever eating carbs to me is not worth living and not a reasonable plan. You need to know that you can continue forever whatever it is that you are doing.


I do think that in the past as obstacles hit, I would just give up.  If you try something and it doesn’t work, try something else. If you have a bad day, don’t focus on that day. Make a plan about how to make tomorrow better.

I write all of this down in hopes of helping just one person realize that they can do it. You totally can. I hope this helps you to make some lifetime resolutions.

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2 Comments on "Resolution Time"

  1. Lisa you are an amazing inspiration to pursue a journey to better health! Congratulations on your achievements, and thanks for paying it forward to others that will surely be encouraged to take even the smallest baby steps toward improving their health. (((Hugs)))

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