An Open Letter to Anthony Davis

Dear Anthony Davis:

I like many people woke up on Monday morning to hear the news that your agent made a statement that you would not sign your contract in the summer to return to the New Orleans Pelicans. He stated that you wanted to be on a team that could win a championship.

I can appreciate a competitive spirit. I can appreciate a winning attitude. This is something that I encourage in my three young boys. What I can’t understand, Mr. Davis, is making a decision based solely on your own interests when you have made the decision to participate in a team sport. As a mom, I am working to teach my boys that your team is only as good as their weakest player. I tell them if you want to be better than you need to help other people on your team–you need to invest in them and encourage them and put in the time.

That is what champions do.

I put my boys in team sports because I want them to learn the importance of needing others to accomplish a goal. So much of their lives is based on their individual performance like school and one day work and so on. Sports is their opportunity to learn to work together. It’s their opportunity to sometimes be the best and sometimes struggle. It’s their opportunity to learn the important lesson of winning together.

Because at the end of the day you won’t ever win a championship alone. Your team will do that. Together.

Although you will probably never read this I wanted to put it out there that I am disappointed in you Mr. Davis. As a person, as a mother and as a New Orlenian. I am disappointed in what seems to be a completely selfish move on your part. That is not the kind of role model I want for my kids or any kid for that matter.


Tiffany King

About the Author

Real Housewife of Mandeville. Queen to his King. Mom of boys. Organizing guru. Fashion aficionado. Social butterfly. Lover of glitter and all things pink.