Eight Forms of Self Care You Can Start Right Now

This post has been brought to you by Pelican Athletic Club.

The term self care gets thrown around a lot these days.  Especially amongst mom bloggers.  I see post after post about taking care of yourself and it’s so true.  The issue generally becomes, how and when?

Self care is wonderful in theory but if planning time away from your family makes the outing stressful then what is the point?  When Katy asked me to write this post I had lots of ideas on what I could write like my favorite manicure or massage.  It’s true, these are all things I love but they aren’t things that heal my spirit.  In truth that is what I need at the end of the day.

I spent some time thinking of some things that I do that really make me feel cared for.


This summer was a magical summer for us. One of the best. I really thought long and hard about how much time we were spending outside in the sunshine. As soon as school started I found myself indoors a lot more and I realized there was also a shift with my mood. I can’t do it every single day but I try to spend some time in the sun each morning. I wake up and grab my coffee and just stand in the sunlight outside for 3 to 5 minutes.


I’m not saying that you need to become a professional writer or blogger.  I am talking about writing down thoughts or words.  I love the idea of having a journal but a lot of days I don’t have time for it. One year I took the time to write down two to three words about my day every evening. I also write when things are upsetting me or I am feeling sad about a situation. These are things I may never publish but I put the words down and that heals me.

Taking Control of my Thoughts

This is such a big one and such a hard one at the same time. It is so easy to let the stress of your day to day control your mind. Especially at night this seems to hinder me from falling asleep and resting well.  You can rack your mind all night with the “what if” thoughts.  Take control and don’t allow them to spin in your mind.  Be mindful to think on things that you can control. If your mind gets started with the “what ifs” then do something productive.  Make your grocery list, work on something with your hands that consumes your mind, put on a show that requires your full attention.

Caring for my Skin

This is something that we all should be doing! Get a skin care routine and stick with it. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive and it doesn’t have to be 100 steps. It can be simple and easy but be consistent. Make it a part of your morning and evening routines and make it a space for you. Close the door. Let the water warm up and wash your face.


I love to read but the time I have for books has become less and less with each additional child. Instead of trying to read an entire book I look for short things I can read. Blogs from people I gain inspiration from or things I want to learn more about. I look for articles about my community or fun things happening over the weekend. I love to google how things are made or why districts have to be gerrymandered. Really just about anything I come across I can read in about 10 to 15 minutes and my mind seems full of new information. It makes me feel like I am feeding my brain.

Sitting with a Hot or Cold Drink

This is such a little luxury. Sit down and drink your coffee hot or your wine cold Every mom on the planet knows what I am talking about. I drink cold coffee on the regular and it’s not fun. But some days I make a cup in the afternoon while the kids are riding bikes and I sit in the grass and drink a hot cup of coffee.

Be Honest With a Friend

Many times I want to talk to someone about something I am struggling with but don’t have the time to have a conversation on the phone. In your busy day to day it is easier to have the “things are great’ conversations or just a passing text message. Talk to your friends.  Tell them when you are struggling or when something good happens.  The app Marco Polo has been a great asset for me with communicating effectively with friends. I don’t always have the time to have a long conversation on the phone but I can leave them a Marco Polo video and then they can watch it when they have time. It feels more personal to me since I can see their face and feels less impersonal than a text message.

Working Out

Nothing makes me feel better than sweating at the gym.  I don’t need it to be a lengthy amount of time but just pushing myself to lift a little more or ride a little longer helps me clear my head.  I also feel like I am doing something good for my body.

Self care is important because you are important. We have all heard “you can’t pour from an empty cup” and as cliche is it may be, there it so much truth to the statement.  Finding little things that you can do daily to help you on your path will always be far greater and more beneficial than the monthly massage or facial. Self care needs to be something consistent and more frequent. This is how we can heal our minds and continue our day to day with vigor.

Pelican Athletic Club

PAC would like to remind you that after you’ve taken care of everybody else, it’s time to take care of yourself. They offer a variety of options for health and fitness, have two free hours of childcare each day included in the cost of membership, and more. Call them today (985-626-3706) or check them out online.

About the Author

Real Housewife of Mandeville. Queen to his King. Mom of boys. Organizing guru. Fashion aficionado. Social butterfly. Lover of glitter and all things pink.