Department of Education Helps Parents Help Their Kids

This post is brought to you by Results Louisiana As many of you know, Louisiana, along with a number of other states adopted new standards recently with the goal of making Louisiana more competitive in the job market and to better prepare students for college. On November 9th, students will…

Do Tattoos Make the Parent?

Parents with tattoos. There’s been more than enough discussion around the web about the positive and negative roles of tattoos when it comes to parenting. Do tattoos affect how we parent? Are tattooed folks worse or better parents? As a tattoo artist, I’ve seen all ends of the spectrum, and everyone’s…

Woman Finds Out She’s a Grandma {Adoption Story}

This video made me teary-eyed! A daughter shows up at her mom’s work to tell her that she’s become a grandma. They had only been on the adoption list a month when they were matched. The happiness that this family displays is just beautiful.