Ten Things Your Child Needs to Know Before Kindergarten

This post is brought to you by Old Mandeville Preschool.


Many years ago a child could arrive at Kindergarten with almost no knowledge from home. This year was designed to get kids ready for “real” school which began with first grade. These days kids are expected to do much more in Kindergarten and to be ready, parents often have to work with them at home or enroll them in a preschool program. Here are ten things your kids are going to need to know before they start Kindergarten.

1. Can recognize most letters of the alphabet. A child entering Kindergarten should know their letters–both upper case and lower case.

2. Can use the bathroom independently–including putting clothes back on and washing their hands. Their teacher will not have time to remind them of all of this. They need to be able to handle it themselves.

3. They should be able to hold a pencil and use scissors. With kindergarten comes writing and projects! They’ll need these fine motor skills in order to complete them.

4. They can keep still for several minutes. Kindergartners don’t sit still for long, but they will do it often throughout the day–for morning circle, story reading, writing practice, etc.

5. Be able to count to ten and identify the numerals one through ten as well.

6. Recognizes rhyming words.

7. Can group objects by similar characteristics.

8. Be confident and easily separate from their parent.

9. Can follow simple instructions

10. Be able to work cooperatively with other children.

These are just a few of the big ones. Some resources list up to seventy individual skills and children heading off to Kindergarten will need. If you have a young child and aren’t sure of their skills, now it a great time to start thinking about them. It’s never to early to start on the basics of learning!


Our sponsors at Old Mandeville Preschool would like to remind you that they feature a preschool curriculum and provide two Kindergarten readiness assessments in the year before a child starts. Call them for more information at 985-626-5726 or like them on Facebook to learn more about their school. 

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Hi, I'm Katy. Mom to four sweet boys ages 10, 6, 6, and 5. It's a loud, messy, chaotic life. I love connecting with other parents and am so glad you stopped by today!

About the Author

Hi, I'm Katy. Mom to four sweet boys ages 10, 6, 6, and 5. It's a loud, messy, chaotic life. I love connecting with other parents and am so glad you stopped by today!