The Northshore Watches the Eclipse 2017

You may have heard something yesterday about an eclipse. That little solar event that people all across the United States we tweeting, facebooking, texting, and snap-chatting about. We loved seeing so many of our readers and friends getting in on the action so we thought it would be fun to…

Covington White Linen Night: A Guide

The Northshore has really done a lot since I moved here to offer fun and festive events that the community can get excited about. My husband and I often travel to New Orleans for outdoor events but in the last several years the Northshore has been keeping us over here….

New Orleans-Inspired Monthly Baby Pictures

Some people are just blessed with a creative gene–you never know what unique thing they’re going to come up with next. My cousin’s wife Sarah is one of those people and I’ve written about her on this site before because everything she does is just so dang cute! Her son…

Six Routines to Help You Rock the Start of School

Several of us at Northshore Parent have children starting Kindergarten this year. To get prepared, we asked veteran school teacher Sue Morgan to tell us what parents can do to help their kids be successful in school. Her answers may surprise you! —————————————————- These are some tips for the beginning…

Great Places for Kid Haircuts on the Northshore

When my family moved to the Northshore, I knew we needed to find new doctors, the location of the nearest local library, and neighborhood restaurants that were friendly to our young and often boisterous family. We recently ran into a new “new” that we needed – a salon or barber…

What’s New at Walt Disney World!

D23 Expo This weekend is the D23 Expo in Anaheim, CA, which is the annual convention for all things Disney. By far the most anticipated session of the weekend is the Disney Parks panel where Disney announces plans for parks and cruise ships in the upcoming years. There’s a lot…

Why I Chose a Natural Childbirth

For most of my adult life when I would talk about having a baby, I would always joke and say that I was going to have a scheduled c-section. It was widely known that I wasn’t the best when it came to pain and the thought of labor and an epidural…