I Didn’t Lose My Hair to Cancer, But I Cut it Off Anyway

Survivor’s guilt is real. If you’ve been following my story on Northshore Parent, then you know that I was diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ in November. I’ve traveled a long road since then – appointments, tests, needles – all leading to a February mastectomy with reconstruction with tissue from…

Parents Prefer 2020 Winners

The winners are here! Congratulations to the 2020 winners of Parents Prefer! Best Pediatrician in West St. Tammany Leblanc Pediatrics Best Pediatrician East St. Tammany Dr. Cherie Oeterling Best Pediatrician in Tangipahoa Parish Dr. Laura Drake Best Allergist in West St Tammany Dr. Jason Guillot Best Allergist in East St….

The Kids Will Be All Right

The amount of sleep, mental energy, and anxiety I have given up to worrying about my kids’ education since the schools closed on March 16 could easily fill a dumpster. My thoughts have constantly slalomed between “everyone else is in the same boat” to “OMG they are not going to…

Hurricane Season 2020: Some Predictions

The 2020 Atlantic tropical storm names have been released and there are some interesting names on the list this year. Some are so interesting they were even thought provoking. This got us discussing, “What if these storms had personalities?” After a lot of laughter, we finally decided that this is…

What I Want You to Know About Foster Care

It has taken me many attempts to write this article. The first attempt started with the story of the little girl and the starfish. The one where she picks them up one by one and tosses them into the ocean. A man stops to tell her that it will take…