How to Celebrate Easter at Home

Easter this year is definitely going to look a little different. There’s a global pandemic going on and gatherings have been limited to ten people or less here in Louisiana. All the big Easter Egg Hunts are canceled and so is church or a nice dinner out. You might be…

My Quarantine Hacks

I am sure by now you are all so sick of hearing about the Covid-19 virus and the quarantine it has caused. However, hear me out… We are all in the same boat and I am a firm believer in the “sharing is caring” policy, so I wanted to share…

Northshore Easter Egg Hunt–Quarantine Style

We’d Like to Invite You to the Great Northshore Easter Egg Hunt–Quarantine Edition! Now normally we do have a real, in-person Easter Egg Hunt to support our friends at Northshore Families Helping Families. This year that obviously will not be possible. Instead we are planning an egg hunt that everyone…

Seven Recipes for Crawfish Boil Leftovers

It’s finally starting to feel like more like spring (according to my seasonal allergies, if not always the weather), and crawfish prices are slowly trickling lower and lower. Soon the air will be filled with spicy wafts of steam from weekend boils, and at the end of every boil, there’s…

Quarantine Weekend Streaming Binges

Looking for some new streaming binges to get you through the weekend? Look no further. Here are a few of my top picks to get you through. Documentaries/Docuseries Tiger KingYour social media streams have been blowing up with talk of this and, for a very good reason. This docuseries is,…

5 Sanity Saving Tips for Quarentine Life

We’re over a week into this quarantine thing and life has gotten really weird for so many people. Daily routines have been disrupted and many familes are trying to find their new normal in a time that is anything but normal. Almost 10 years ago, I went from an attorney,…

Celebrating a Birthday When You’re Social Distancing

Since COVID-19 and the subsequent shutdowns threw us all for a loop, most parents have been just doing their best to hold everything together. Each day has become an experiment as we navigate our new routines. And for many of us, that includes attempting to maintain some sense of normalcy…