
Ten years ago today, August 27, I flew out of New Orleans International Airport. I hate to fly, I hate planes, and yet I booked a vacation requiring a plane ride. I was so full of anxiety about flying that I barely paid notice to that storm in the Gulf….

My Katrina Story

There are many who do not like to look back on the day Katrina hit and forever changed the course of our lives. I understand and sympathize with those people, but I don’t mind sharing my own. For me, it is a form of therapy to share my experiences and…

Katrina: Ten Years Gone

It was real. It wasn’t a movie. And it smelled bad. A decade has passed and it is still hard to believe. At first, I wasn’t sure if or how I wanted to approach the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. On one hand, this is my home, the city I’ve loved as…

Hospital Tour: Slidell Memorial Hospital

As part of an effort to make more resources available for parents on the Northshore, I’ve begun touring local hospitals and speaking with their staff. This way parents can get a peek at local hospitals before they go in for an official tour. The first hospital I visited was Slidell…

Bear Does Abita

First stop, Abita Café. His eyes are bigger than his stomach… we are arguing over exactly what to order. Bear says if the breakfast joint has a bar, he immediately rates it 5 stars on yelp. Mimosa anyone? Bear is stuffed. Thanks for the hospitality and waffles Abita Cafe! We…

We Need a Little More Real in Our Reality TV

I love the shows The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. What’s not to love? 25 people vying for 1, throw in too much drinking, drama, cat fights, fantasy dates, fantasy suites and end with the fairytale of living happily ever after!!! Ahhhhh. . . okay, now real life: It so doesn’t happen…

Best Breakfast Places on the Northshore

The Creole Bagelry Living in Covington, it’s a bit of a drive to make it to the bagelry. Is it worth it? Yes. Its small, its local and bagels! Who doesn’t love bagels, especially when there is an assortment of cream cheeses to choose from to go with it. They…