Family Fitness Day Wrap Up

June 22nd, 2014 was the first annual Family Fitness Day and it was a wonderful day filled with workouts, kid’s activities, and healthy foods. It was so great to see so many members of the community come out and and explore all the health and fitness options available in our…

Shrimp and Grits Kids {Sponsored Giveaway}

If you’ve been reading Northshore Parent, you may or may not have gathered that I am slightly obsessed with children’s clothing, particularly smocked stuff. I wore it as a child and couldn’t wait to dress my own children in it. When I found out I was having boy/girl twins, I…

Dad Day Prep Party Wrap Up

I have to say that I am being spoiled with all of the support our events have been getting recently! Saturday was no exception and we had a full house and a ton of fun with little ones painting picture frames for their Dads, singing and dancing with Elsa,  taking…

Bike Rentals in St. Tammany

Father’s Day is almost here! Riding bikes is something we love to do together. As soon as our daughter is old enough, we’re going to buy a bike seat for her to join us on rides. We’ve visited the friendly staff of The Bike Path and of The Spokesman. Both…

Dad Day Prep Party with Northshore Parent

Here at Northshore Parent we love our community, and we love doing events that let us get out and meet that community and support the small businesses within it. All of this is why I’m really excited to announce our latest event that will take place at a locally-owned business,…

Life Lessons as a Food Allergy Mom

Did you know this week is Food Allergy Awareness Week? 2 years ago this week, I had no idea about life with food allergies, much less that there was an awareness week, when my husband and I let our then 18 month old twins try their first taste of peanut…