What to Wear to the Festival {Small Business Spotlight}

It’s festival season! That time of year where Louisiana is its prettiest and everywhere you turn there’s a chance for live music and delicious food you can eat with one hand. Whether you prefer to head for New Orleans or out to the country, you’re bound to find a good…

Sewing Pillows the Easy Way

The pillows on my sofa and loveseat have been driving me crazy since we first got them (they came with the furniture), but it was just one of those projects I hadn’t gotten around to tackling. I’d finally had enough of it, so this morning I went to Hobby Lobby…

Juju the Good Voodoo In Easterland

It’s no secret that we’re kind of in love with ourselves in the greater New Orleans area. And, why wouldn’t we be? We’ve got all sorts of fun traditions and cultures, and, as a parent, I love sharing them with my children. When Michelle Hirstius, creator of Juju the GOOD…

Tasty Easter Desserts

Most people think of jelly beans and chocolate bunnies when they think of Easter sweets, but for me, Easter brunch or lunch is a time for light, airy, fruity desserts. It’s the unofficial start of Spring and I love to include all of the fruits and flavors that are coming…

Louisiana Pet Names

A while back I noticed that many people I know have given their pets a name with Louisiana flair. I also remember clearly the difficulty I had naming my dog, Buster. He came with that name and I was never able to think of anything I liked better, so that…

New Mom Brunch Wrap Up

On February 28th we had our first Northshore Parent event of the New Year and it was a total blast! We had over twenty new moms and many, many babies in attendance mingling, shopping, and listening to some great information from our speakers. The day started with mingling with our…

My Babies’ Nurseries

Let’s be honest. Being a new or expecting mother is not always easy. It can be physically and emotionally stressful in so many ways, even when you’re over the moon about your new bundle of joy. But there are some great perks: buying baby clothes is pretty much one of the…

Mardi Gras Handprint Craft

You may have noticed that it’s cold. I know. Right now our little one is inside and not feeling up to parading. If you’re doing the same, here’s a great craft you can do with the kids to commemorate Mardi Gras 2015. We used washable ink pads, but washable paint…

Mardi Gras-Inspired Baby Names

If you’re from New Orleans you know that THIS is real most-wonderful time of the year. A city-wide celebration that lasts for two weeks, involves no obligatory gift giving, and no long dinners with boring relatives. Does it get better than that? I don’t think so. Mother Nature doesn’t take holidays,…