Parents Prefer Nominations 2020

When you run a website dedicated to local parents and families, people tend to ask you for recommendations. Is there a preschool you love? Can you recommend an OBGYN? We get at least one question a week like this and some weeks we get many more. So we had a…

I Humbly Request

I want to start by saying just how much I love public education and believe in it. I personally attended private schools growing up, but when I became a teacher myself I discovered my love for public education. Despite the flaws, it is an incredible idea–a place where all children…

Tip the Northshore

As we head into what feels like the eleventy-billionth week of social distancing, we’re starting to see just how long this is going to go and just how hard it is going to hit some of our families. Here at Northshore Parent we wanted to help but didn’t have a…

Smell you later, much later

It was on March 17th, my son’s 10th birthday, that I first suspected that I had completely lost my sense of smell and most of my sense of taste. I could barely taste dinner that night which was crawfish with enough spices to bring back the dead. I realized that…